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Persuasive essay on hunting

Persuasive essay on hunting

Plus you dont want animals to over populate us humans correct? Post a comment, persuasive essay on hunting. We hate to see you go! I would say yes to that, because I really did not need that fish for food even though I did eat it I still enjoyed the catching of it. Frequency-dependency is the spread of infection controlled by the number of individuals infected. But we want to eat cows and chickens raised on farms.

Persuasive Essay On Save Animals

Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Favorite Quote: "Believe me nothing is trivial" The Crow. Sports like hunting and fishing are truly a good thing to have because without them there would be no humans on earth, persuasive essay on hunting. Hunting has kept us alive for generations why stop now when people are beginning to question? If an emergency were to happen people who hunt would survive longer. There are many reasons why hunting is a good thing rather than a bad. First of all in case of an emergency like global warming, ice age, or anything that could possibly happen, hunters would survive longer because of the skill they acquired when young. It is a fact that when lost in the woods someone who can hunt will survive for at least a week more than someone who lives off plants they find.

Additionally the price of food is going up, families with hunters do not need to pay for meat at least half of the year. Would it not be great to be able to buy your cousins an extra Christmas gift, get yourself the new jacket you need, persuasive essay on hunting, or even pay the workers to fix persuasive essay on hunting leak in the roof? There are many more reasons why people who hunt will be better off. On the other hand there is plenty of logic against hunting, one reason being hunting for sport kills the animal even though they are too small to eat or use for anything but a trophy.

Another reason being the animals are cute and killing them is sad, but there are many animals and all hunters do is keep the population in line. The last reason I have against hunting is that animals that are endangered are hunted to the point where there is none left. While all of these are good reasons there are more reasons why hunting should be allowed. Equally important a reason for not being able to hunt are gun laws, persuasive essay on hunting, because some people make mistakes everyone who uses guns correctly are to be punished. For example last Friday the 16th of December a shooting occurred where 20 children where shot and 6 adults the man who did this was reported dead but to the people on the news this was the start of a storm.

Gun law fanatics jumped at a reason to make guns illegal, to enforce more laws on innocents even though people who just use weapons to hunt did not do anything wrong. People jump at the chance to make things sound wrong to everyone when in fact it only affected few. Again there are families in which hunting is a tradition passed down from father to son and even to daughters for generations. In Conclusion, there are many reasons why people who hunt should have more respect and why it should be allowed instead of dismissed. People are safer, have more to eat, and have more money to spend when they persuasive essay on hunting hunters in their family.

I hope this essay has put an understanding in the hearts of people who did not understand, persuasive essay on hunting. These have been facts on why hunting is good and a few facts about why it is not. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will persuasive essay on hunting appear in your email. If you have a persuasive essay on hunting about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. We try to make TeenInk. com the best site it can be, and we persuasive essay on hunting your feedback very seriously. Please note that while we value your input, persuasive essay on hunting, we cannot respond to every message.

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Home Nonfiction Hunting: A Persuasive Essay Hunting: A Persuasive Essay September 13, By allhallowsevekatie PLATINUMHampden, Massachusetts. More by this author. allhallowsevekatie PLATINUMHampden, Massachusetts 39 articles 16 photos 65 comments Favorite Quote: "Believe me nothing is trivial" The Crow. View profile. The author's comments:. This is dedicated to my family because without my dad, my uncles and the rest of us cruel big-game hunters I would not have come up with the idea for this essay, persuasive essay on hunting.

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Killing an animal for its antlers, fur, or their body parts. Overall, Recreational hunting should be abated or completely annulled or any form of interdiction should be put on it for its absurd and ignoble breach of moral principle, where it penetrates the lives of innocent animals for fun. One of and possibly the most cogent arguments that is often enunciated by hunters is that they are serving conservation through the instrument of population control. In truth, paradigms of this exist and hunters do fund many National Parks.

Steiner provides a strong statistic to continue his argument that even eating ethically treated animals is unethical. Steiner is a firm believer in a completely vegan lifestyle; consuming animals products is unacceptable and using products made from animals is just as bad. Killing these animals is unnecessary and inhumane according to Steiner and that the current number of animals is absolutely ridiculous. As a non vegan, I can testify that I also believe that this number is quite high and could possibly be lower, but I do not take it to the extreme that Gary Steiner does.

Would any human be ready to go through the same suffering and pain? Would any human be ready to see a sledgehammer coming to thrust their throat? Would any human be ready to die knowing they will be eaten for pleasure? I can almost certainly guarantee that the answers to these questions will always be NO. In the story of Mad Max we see that Pig Killer had died willing because he was tired of his life and wanted to have some meaning. In retrospect, the same feeling is similar, a hunter has after he stalked and killed a deer or elk. However, does the feeling of excitement when you have caught and killed animal right? Do we rationalize killing an animal for food to mask the excitement that comes from the kill? I would say yes to that, because I really did not need that fish for food even though I did eat it I still enjoyed the catching of it.

Yet, there are those who do hunt for food, in remote areas it would be easier to hunt game than to drive 20 or 30 miles into the local town for hamburger. Benefits of Hunting Have you ever wondered if hunting is beneficial? Hunting effects wild game in both good and bad ways. It is considered both a bad and good thing in different people's eyes. You will learn why these people think hunting is wrong, are in fact, themselves wrong. People think that all hunters are just murders who like to kill animal for that fun of it. Home Page Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay. Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Walls of innocents. For centuries humans have survived thanks to the ability we have to adapt. One of this amazing activities that helped us is hunting.

Equally important a reason for not being able to hunt are gun laws, because some people make mistakes everyone who uses guns correctly are to be punished. For example last Friday the 16th of December a shooting occurred where 20 children where shot and 6 adults the man who did this was reported dead but to the people on the news this was the start of a storm. Gun law fanatics jumped at a reason to make guns illegal, to enforce more laws on innocents even though people who just use weapons to hunt did not do anything wrong. People jump at the chance to make things sound wrong to everyone when in fact it only affected few. Again there are families in which hunting is a tradition passed down from father to son and even to daughters for generations. In Conclusion, there are many reasons why people who hunt should have more respect and why it should be allowed instead of dismissed.

People are safer, have more to eat, and have more money to spend when they have hunters in their family. I hope this essay has put an understanding in the hearts of people who did not understand. These have been facts on why hunting is good and a few facts about why it is not. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. We try to make TeenInk. com the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously.

Please note that while we value your input, we cannot respond to every message. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. Thank you! Don't have an account? Sign up for free. Wrong email address or password! Email address. Password Forgot password? Remember me. Sign In. Forgotten password. Invalid email address! Back to Login. Magazine Poetry All Poetry Free Verse Song Lyrics Sonnet Haiku Limerick Ballad. All Reviews Hot New Books Book Reviews Music Reviews Movie Reviews TV Show Reviews Video Game Reviews. Summer Program Reviews College Reviews. Program Links Program Reviews. College Links College Reviews College Essays College Articles.

All Poetry Free Verse Song Lyrics Sonnet Haiku Limerick Ballad Back. All Reviews Hot New Books Book Reviews Music Reviews Movie Reviews TV Show Reviews Video Game Reviews Summer Program Reviews College Reviews Back. Forums Writers Workshop Regular Forums Back. Summer Guide Program Links Program Reviews Back. College Guide College Links College Reviews College Essays College Articles Back. Home Nonfiction Hunting: A Persuasive Essay Hunting: A Persuasive Essay September 13, They were said by farmers that they killed thier livestocks.

They were much of a problem even more people started killing these unique creatures and exterminate them. The last one of thier existence lived til at the Hobart zoo. And they also used the unique creatures fur to create quality clothing. On a desolated land once human activity became it became a problem and they never stood a chance towards the humans pets: dogs, cats, and the blood thirsty pigs that were brought on thier land. com Transition: Now III. Conclusion a. Now we understand both sides of the subject of hunting in three major reas of Food, Trophy, and use as fur or teeth or any other organ or use we can get out of an animal.

Is this wrong or right? All we know is that this will be a never ending controversy where we need it and where we dont. Hunters will always break the rules or some will stay behind the lines. But hoping, we can understand two sides of the story and understand why things happen for the reasons. We may still stand by what we believe in but as long as we get a broader knowledge of what hunting can bring positively and negatively. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

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